Beginners Guide of Dragon City Mod APK 2025
When you download a game, the first thing that comes to mind is how to play it, its features, and what you must do, so we will tell you all this in this article. In this article, we will tell you about the features of Dragon City Mod Apk and the benefits for new users.
Along with a guide for beginners on achieving levels, you can understand and enjoy the game to the fullest. Download Dragon City Mod APK without delay. Some games for new users have also been compared to Dragon City, such as Clash of Clans and DragonVale.
Beginners Guide Steps of Dragon City Mod Apk
There are the following beginners guide steps of Dragon City Mod APK:
Level 1
When you open the game, the first interface is the purchasing interface, which says that you can purchase anything in Dragon City by cancelling it or pressing the OK button to the next move. You can do it and after that, you can go to the tutorial video and give the whole process in it. Beginners guide also poves to be a better for new users. You can make the habitat easily. The habitat is the area in which your dragons live; after that, you go to the shop and To build a dragon city, buy something that will be beneficial to your habitat.
Building New Habitat
Go to the shop in Dragon City and buy habitat items and build a terra habitat. You can move it anywhere. This will increase your nesting community, allowing you to acquire new dragons.
First Terra Dragon
Click on Hatchery, and at the bottom right, you can find an egg. Don’t delay getting this terra egg. Be patient for the egg to hatch. And the higher the level, the more food it needs to upgrade.
Create Farms and feed dragon
If you want to increase your dragons’ power, you have to provide them with better food and build farms to grow better food. Seams provide an open surface, and you can increase your gold and get unlimited gems. In addition, you are told how to feed your dragons.
Level 2
Increase Food
You must build farms to feed and level up your good dragons, so build and improve farms. In these farms, you can grow food for them, making them welcome dragons and battle. You can feed your dragons by clicking on the farm if they are hungry.
Grow your farms
Dragon City’s display farm has a grow food option that can be clicked up to grow food and expand your food farm. If you are using the mod version or the APK version of Apk Dragon City, you will get locked premium features in the form of unlocked and not have any tension. You can download its official version from the Google Play Store but this version lacks of advanced features instead of the mod version.
Add New Dragon
Now breed a terra dragon with up flame. We already have a flame dragon for dragon breeding. We get terra and flame dragons in this game.
In it, you can experience the breeding of two dragons with the latest dragon egg. You can also breed more dragons in it. Usually, they create new dragon eggs, not forever, but hopefully, they do create new eggs. Wait a few seconds and see the results. If the results are positive, you can move to the next level.
New Guests
Select the Targets option to check Dragon City’s rules. There is a button in the top right corner to get unlimited gold and other rewards, so check it out.
Level 3
New Dragons and Habitat
You can hatch exotic dragons at these levels and grow more food for them. When you create a new level, new species of dragons and habitats become accessible, and at that level, you can tame new dragons and teach them how to fight on the battlefield easily through this beginners guide.
Create your Account
The first thing to do in Dragon City is to create an account, so first of all, you have to create an account, and there is no need for Edge. You can create an account in any Edge. After creating an account, you get 10 gems for free. After creating an account, you can continue playing the game
Social Interactions
Social interactions are very important in Dragon City. Your social interactions will grow as you breed your dragons and visit their collections and islands, and you can also visit your friends’ dragon islands. Also, your friends can trade with each other and help each other to breed dragons and build their islands.
Breeding Planning
In Dragon City beginners guide, players are given various tips for breeding dragons, which causes the creation of new dragons. So adding dragons to your dragon book can increase your chances of breeding even more and is very important to you. We have to breed two dragons, Terra and Fleming. This process may take a minute. You can download this game Dragon City APK for iOS and enjoy its fantastic features.
We can get a new dragon egg called Volcano Dragon. Get it and add it to your book. If you want to do this quickly, create forms for them and continue breeding. And build buildings for them to group. It won’t be too expensive; upgrade up Dragon City mod APK. It has unlimited money and can be upgraded with gold. You only get two eggs per upgrade at a time.
Complete Dragon Book
In this beginners guide, we can complete our dragon book with different dragons; the more levels you achieve, the more new dragons you will get, so to achieve the level, you have to do the whole process in a good way, that is, immediately. Dragons must be created, bred, and much more to achieve level-ups and get new dragons.
Optimized your gold production
Food Production
Keep preparing food and feeding your dragons in Dragon City to keep your dragons healthy. When you have more dragons, you must collect more food to feed them. If you want your dragons to stay healthy and level up quickly, you must upgrade their farms and find useful tips for growing better food with the help of this beginners guide.
Level 4
Extend the Islands
In Dragon City, you can define the boundaries of your island by looking at your collection of dragons. In this way, we can make better plans and also get useful advice from someone to make them better.
Complex Breeding
As you gain access to understanding dragons, you are ready to unlock new dragons and breed them as you gain experience and abilities. As you play the game, you will gain experience in how to make dragons, collect them, and create forms; you will understand all this process.
Collect Gold
If you have built better habitats, you can get more gold and make sure your dragons are collecting gold or not by collecting dragons’ funds. Better management of the settlement village is better for earning gold. Dragon City Mod APK already has unlimited gold and gems so that you can build better settlements.
Better Combat skills
The new version of Dragon City is to fight tougher enemies and add to the battle arena; you can participate in PvP matches and events that earn you more gold and gems and make it a better place to live. Can unlock New Dragons.
The first level of Dragon City Mod APK introduces the players to the basic rules and mechanics of the game. Players learn to find better habitats, feed the dragons, and other resources. Level two involves breeding dragons fig, fighting them on the battlefield, and building their islands. Level three has hybrid breeding looks and battles in arena battles.
Dragon City in Level Four focuses on building well and is well played, so participate in more live events and invite friends to match them. Dragon City Mod APK gives you unlimited gold and gems even offline; those who don’t have a good network can enjoy the game well even with an offline network and enjoy its features by the help of this beginners guide very well.